Mike got him a little tool set, which he has been playing with non-stop since he got it. He especially likes to "fix" all his tractors and trucks, and he even knows which tool is which! Daddy's little helper. He is pretty much over the moon with all his new birthday toys.
Also, my girlfriend Jeanine came to visit and we had a blast. We got fabulous haircuts and spent a lot of time shopping, so it was a good trip. We (and Evan) spent a wonderful day at the beach, and the water was warm enough to swim in--Evan loved jumping in the waves and he made a bunch of friends there. I think we're getting spoiled with this warm beach business.In other news...we're going to have another baby! It's due February 24, and Evan says he wants a baby sister. I don't think he knows what that means though, because when we ask him if he wants a girl or a boy he says "boy". We will be happy with whatever we have, but we are definitely excited to find out--we have an ultrasound scheduled for September 25. I'm feeling like myself again (although slightly larger), and things are good in the Smith Household!
Congratulations on the new baby! That is so exciting! Can't wait to find out what it is!
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