Thursday, July 15, 2010

Big time stuff!

Well, Evan is a big boy now. He's been using the potty, and he's been doing a really good job! All week he's been diaperless around the house, and he's been going to the potty all on his own and going pee. He's only had one accident, and I think that was just because he wanted to see what would happen! Today, he did #2 in the potty AND used the big toilet. I can't believe it! On top of that, we've gone out on errands a few times and not only has he stayed dry, but today he used (successfully) the bathroom at the BX.

We are so proud! And I think he's pretty proud of himself. Wish us luck on our potty journey!


Brooke said...

That was quick! Yay for #2! That's a huge step! GO EVAN!

Aunt Holly said...

Way to go Evan! What a big boy now!! Love you!