Monday, April 5, 2010

Yes, I leaked a few tears.

I have been watching videos of Evan for the better part of the last hour. (wait, how did I end up with an hour to myself? Amazing, I know.) I had forgotten how little and chubby he was! Now he's such a big boy and I'm so glad that we took so many little thirty second videos.

I could watch them all day, so I thought I'd put one on here just to remind everyone how quickly they grow up.

And here he is today! Well, yesterday.

We had to have an indoor easter egg hunt due to the constant wind. ugh. It would probably be 75 degrees here if it weren't for the wind chill provided by our 30 mph winds...Evan was more interested in finding the eggs with candy in them than actually collecting them--he would pick one up, break it open, and move on if it wasn't candy. He only had eggs in his basket because I stuck them in there! He ate a lot of candy and it was a good easter.

Back to the videos, I vow to continue to take loads of videos of our kiddos as they grow up, because I don't want to forget one minute of their amazing childhood.