Life is good here--as usual.
Evan has become very imaginative, and he's getting really good at thinking up games and activities for himself. The other day, he decided that he wanted to make "ench-ladas" (he loves enchiladas!) and made this concoction:
It consisted of a tortilla, mayo, kraft singles, applesauce, cinnamon, raisins, chocolate chips, Kix, and sprinkles. Lots of sprinkles. He got everything out of the fridge, asked for the things he couldn't reach, and told me what he was making. In the end, he only ate the raisins, choc chips and a few Kix. And lots of sprinkles. He had a really good time.
When I showed Mike the pictures, the first thing he said was "what is he wearing !?". I will have you all know that he is wearing my apron, not a skirt. Must be properly dressed for cooking!
Although I guess it wasn't really necessary to continue wearing it for bubble-blowing later...
Yesterday, he took all (all) of the dishes out of the cupboard and placed them all neatly on the counter with cups and silverware. He told me he was setting out dishes for Mama, Daddy and Grandpa. Thank you. Like I said, he's getting really good at entertaining himself!
Tomorrow, Ella and I are going to the outlet mall with some girlfriends, and Evan gets daddy to himself all day! So far I've heard that the day will involve bug-finding expeditions and learning about dinosaurs. Excitement for all!