Sunday, July 5, 2009

Sun at long last

I'm pretty sure it has been raining here for a month straight, and now it's finally sunny! I am so pleased. It's not humid yet either, which is a big bonus. We've been spending almost all of our time for the last couple days out in the sunshine and I think Evan is really greatful to be able to get out and run off some energy. From our house we can walk all the way to the fence that goes around the base and watch airplanes take off. We went on such a long walk yesterday that we ended up having to carry Evan and his short little legs. It's a long walk for Evan, but he loves those airplanes!

We finally got him to say "plane" yesterday. He's been calling airplanes "goo-goo" for months now, and considering that a plane flies over our house about every five minutes, he's had plenty of opportunities to learn the word. I think he just liked "goo-goo" better. I can't believe how many words he has, and they're getting a lot clearer too. He's pretty fun to have a conversation with.

This morning we went to our favorite playground in Billerica (which is also one of the biggest I've seen) and spent some quality time in the sandbox. This sandbox is huge, and there are Tonka trucks and other sand toys that are always there--needless to say, Evan loves it. Last time we went, he spent two hours straight sitting in the sandbox being industrious with construction equipment. Today wasn't much different, but he took a few breaks to go climb around and go down the slides and whatnot.
This picture's from about a month ago. I think the only pictures I'm going to have of Evan in the near future are when he's playing with this "diggers"--otherwise he doesn't stay still long enough!

By the way, this little girl is our neighbor Riley, whom Evan calls "honey". I think he's smitten. I can see why--she's just as rough and tumble as he is!