Sunday, May 24, 2009

Happy Memorial Day (weekend)

It's memorial day weekend! Enjoy your picnics and bbq's, Nascar and popsicles.

mmmmmm, popsicles.

As we enjoy our extended weekend, please don't forget to take a moment to remember those who have served, and those who have given their lives so that we may eat our popsicles in our great country.

Thank you to those who have made the ultimate sacrifice, to their families, and to those who continue to be willing to risk their lives everyday to ensure that America stays the land of the free.

Happy Memorial day!

Now go eat those popsicles!


Rick said...

Candace, you are the best! And your kid is a cutie!


Pam said...

You are too good to be true, and I love you.

Evan only gets cuter and cuter!
