Thursday, April 2, 2009

...and I'm back.

Hello! Like I said, I'm still here, and now I have some catching up to do. Where did March go? It seems like such a long time since that last snow I wrote about (which wasn't our last snow, but it's much nicer now, so no biggie) and we've been busy!

First off, Mike's been busy growing an icky mustache. Acutally, I didn't hate it--as far as mustaches go he didn't do so bad--but I think he looks much nicer without it. Apparently, it was "mustache march" on base (which i'm hoping is strictly a Hanscom thing...) and people competed to see who could grow the best mustache--somehow they made it into a fundraiser, so that was a plus. Surprisingly, Mike didn't win. I think he should have.

Sweet mustache, eh? I think he was proud. Evan looks doubtful. Hey! What's with the hats on in the house? Come on guys...

Mimi Kate came to visit us early in March, and we all had a fantastic time. We knit (knitted?) a lot. And we might have visited a few yarn stores, but we don't need to talk about that...
Like the giant indian? We're in that picture as well, I swear. I love the name of the store too-- "Big Indian Shop"--how creative! We went out to western Mass to see maple syrup being made, which turned out to be an awesome day.
We went to Davenport Farm, and they taught us all about maple syrup.

Behind those two handsome men is the evaporator, where they boil the sap until it turns into syrup. Yummy.

Also while Mimi Kate was here we went to Boston to explore, and Evan got to see the Make Way for Ducklings statue.
We read the book all the time at home, and I don't think he made the connection--but he loved the ducks anyway. Literally--he had to give them all hugs. Cutie.

Last weekend, we went to the
New England Aquarium, which was pretty cool. Evan had a great time, and now he's really into turtles and penguins. Well, he was for a few days--I think he's over it now. Still, he liked seeing all the fish, and running from tank to tank.

I liked Myrtle the Sea Turtle. Those things are huge! Pretty cool.

For an Evan update, his new favorite thing is "tash". Every time he finds some bit of something he deems trash, he needs to throw it away. Which is pretty cute, and also somewhat helpful because so far he's pretty good at discerning what is trash and what is not.
Also, he likes to tell everyone when he toots, and he points to his butt and says "toot". The other day, he burped, looked confused, pointed to his mouth and said "toot". Silly boy. He gets smarter every day!