Sunday, November 2, 2008


We love Halloween in this house. Evan, apparently, is no exception. He had a blast this halloween, seeing all the kids come to our door, showing off for our friends who came over, and eating sugar cookies and punch. Best of all, he got to go trick-or-treating! He was really good at it, and he had a wonderful time. We only made it to three houses, but that was better than we expected. He even carried his little pail (which he picked out himself) and held it out for candy.
He especially enjoyed chewing on his candy after he got it. I think he was pretty surprised to learn that candy was actually something you can eat after you get through the wrapper. Mostly he just chewed on it for a second and then abandoned it somewhere. Although, he did seem to enjoy this tootsie roll pop, which he then proceeded to smear all over the floor and furniture. Needless to say, his time with the lollipop was short-lived.
You might have noticed, from the previous post, that Evan has two Halloween costumes. He had two last year as well. We just can't help ourselves. Actually, we thought the monkey costume was pretty creepy, so we had to buy it and take pictures, but putting it on Evan turned it from creepy into cute so our plan backfired.
It is creepy, however, when you think of it in the context of this:
...which was what we were going for. Oh well.

On another note, Evan is now officially a climber.

Notice how a) he is trying to get to the halloween candy, and b) he is using his little car as a step stool. A few days ago, I watched him carry his car over to the coffee table and use exactly this method to climb onto the coffee table. Then he danced. On the table. I am simultaneously proud and worried by his newfound upward moblity, which is why I've decided to turn the basement into a playroom.

I just recently cleaned out our basement (a feat not for the faint of heart) and am very proud of myself. I actully enjoy spending time down there now. I've been looking for a climber to put down there for Evan so he can use the basement as a space in which to climb and run around, and I finally found one on Craigslist. Fantastic! So now we're off to Natick to pick it up--wish us luck!

While we're out, want some candy?
We've got plenty.


Kimberly said...

WAAAAH! That monkey is freaky!