Monday, August 18, 2008


I finally figured out how to edit videos. Turns out it's not hard. At all. Especially if you have "video editing for dummies"--aka Microsoft Movie Maker--which I downloaded (for free-yippee!) in two minutes and then had my video cut to size in another two minutes. Easy peasy. So, thanks to my minimal computer prowess there is now a video of Evan's cake-eating for all to view.

On the opposite end of the spectrum from computers and technology is Heath, Ma., which we visited yesterday to go to the Heath Fair. My friend Anne, Evan and I drove out and met up with our friends Sarah and Jarrod, whose grandparents live there. They own a pair of Belgian horses which pulled a wagon all day giving rides to fair-goers and also participated in Evan's favorite part of the day--the parade!

There were all kinds of classic cars and tractors (along with a few vehicles from the '80s. Those aren't 'classic" yet, right? Just old.) He especially loved the fire trucks, though. He's a boy, through and through.

Second favorite part of the day? Petting zoo. I say second favorite because Evan is slightly terrified of farm animals (makes sense--most are ten times his size) but he seems to be warming up to them. He even touched this one!

He did surprisingly well until we were swarmed by a group of sheep later in the day--I think he might be done with large animals for awhile. Good thing we live in eastern Massachusetts.
Anyway, we had a great day, made much more interesting by a GPS malfunction that caused us to drive for an extended period of time on gravel roads that often ended with no warning. Which, turned out to be a really good way to see a part of Mass. that we'd never seen. Who would've thought?