Ugh. It's been a while since I've posted. Really, nothing has happened that I think would be even remotely interesting to talk about. I don't think we've even taken any pictures since Halloween. So we're boring. But boring is good. We like boring.
Whats Evan up to, you may ask? Everything. I made him a little playroom in the basement, with a slide and a fort and lots of toys--all of which I just moved from upstairs, so bonus for me, extra room--and he seems pretty happy with it. A few times throughout the day he just stands at the gate at the top of the stairs yelling "BA BA BA BA" and pointing downstairs--apparently that means he wants to go play.
He especially likes to play with Rodney, whom some of you may have met, and everyone thinks is creepy. Except Evan and I, we like him. Evan likes to carry him around, sometimes uses him as a pillow, and really likes to make him go down the slide.

See, even at a young age Evan loved him. My Grandma made Rodney for my dad when he was little, and I played with him when I was little, and now, apparently, Evan plays with him. I think it's cute, and Mike thinks it's scary. But then again, Mike also thinks Elmo is scary, so I don't know if his opinion can be trusted.
So we're boring. However, if you want something exciting to do, and it's before 11:59 pm PST on Friday 11/14, go to (or click this link) to make a free photo book from snapfish. Yet one more reason why I love Oprah. You can upload your pictures and customize each page with text and photos to make a really neat book. On the show, they used pictures of kids' art work as a way to save the art and de-clutter. Pretty cool. Thanks Oprah!